If you’ve heard the gospel, the story about Jesus Christ the Son of God saving mankind, you might have noticed the many similarities with the many fairy tales and myths mankind has had over the centuries.

For you the fairy-tale-likeness may be proof that it’s just another story.
For me and those who take a closer look and open their hearts to another reality we might have never known, it shows that our Creator has been speaking to us all along.
Through stories that may not convey “The Story” perfectly, yet show it’s innate truth nonetheless.
Now this just may seem all too far fetched and impossible to you but keep in mind that if God made us and the whole universe, then really He can easily overturn natural laws and appear any way He wants to.

I wrote it down for you in the form of a story. Because that’s what it is after all.
God’s story. And that of mankind.
I’ll post it in small pieces a time over the next weeks on my blog Creator's Joy.

May it bless you!

A fair story